Queue Jumpers - waste of time Whats the point of having Queue jumpers if everytime theres a queue you are told to join it at the back anyway?? This has happened to me a couple of times now - 2nd birthday/picotto night, and last night for Jules. Every other time I've had queue jumpers theres nevber been a queue, so we got straight in anyway. Problem is, when there IS a queue they send us all to the back of it - SO WHATS THE POINT IN HAVING QUEUE JUMPERS???? Ok if theres loads of people on the list, then I can understand it. So why not limit the list to say 100, each week on a first come, first served basis?? At the end of the day, if I sign for a queue jumper, then I expect to be able to do precisely that, at the moment it never happens !
my feelings exactly mate i was right at the front of the guest list cue then ended up near the corner behind all the young uns who got bombed out