About ten people from this board are going i think ..... me included. Events forum might be more helpful.
Its about the third topic from the top, did you get tired after reading the first two titles or something
shit...all my mates have dropped out.. I may still go but not keen on going by myself! is there a chance i can meet up with some of u guys?
i have never been before so i dont know where we are going first or anything or where i will be standing :spangled: how come your mates have dropped out culks? sell their tickets if you have them, you will get loads
I dont have a ticket but i know another way of getting in quickly than having to que for ages! if i knew where some u were guna be then i would probs meet up but if its all up in the air then i probs wont gan!I know how good the night is going to be tho...sssssoooooooooo tempting aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh