Puffy eyes I had a really bad sleep last night...only got about 4 hours (couldnt relax after work etc n ended up not sleeping) I look like an absoloute elephant man...does any1 know how I can get rid of my puffy eyes?
one of those face ice pack things you keep in the fridge. Or DIY it and lie back with a bag of frozen peas on your face. Then eat the peas (vitamins).
My sister's got a pair of what look like water-filled goggles from la senza, idea is that you put them on and the water cools down your eyes
I didn't want to be held responsible for anyone walking around with third degree burns on their eyelids! Jess - squeeze them out a bit first, so they are still pretty damp but not dripping all over the place. Used dry ones won't work.
Re: Puffy eyes i know you were excited about seeing me jess but don't worry i'm sure you'll look good enough to get a hello