Public transport The fares are gopng to hiked up yet again but this time just so old people travel free.
was on news this moring think its bot cos ther combinig the services in 6 month so you its going to be all the same tickets one good thing but ill be kicking off given the chance like totall out of order
Yeah it's really annoying. I pay £110 for mine and it gets checked about once a month, and I use the metro at least twice a day, sometimes more.
Yea but thats hardly the point, whether you get checked or not shouldn't make any difference to whether or not you spend the money on a pass, if you spend 100 odd quid on a pass and you're using it a lot then i don't see the problem tbf.
It's more a general expression of annoyance at cunts like Mr Spence above who never pay and never get caught.
I read somewhere they're looking to put in place those electronic reader machine things so that eventually it's gunna be near on impossible to get out of paying. Think it's gunna start off in the stations in town and then work their way out
But people like him dont get it as often! I was in the same boat for uni, all that money on pass, checked about 3 times in a whole year for the first year, second year was alot more though. I dont begrudge paying for that, driving to sunderland would cost a shit load more. As for the OAPs only have to pay like 40p anyway so i dont see the point of making it free...dont disagree with it though.
I'm just bitter because I'm totally skint at the moment and could really do with that £110 back. Loads of old people who I've seen/heard comment on the subject don't even want free transport..
Without wanting to stick up for nexus too much after another price hike, they really got stuck on this one. The government's decided on this free travel for pensioners thing, and so every local authority had to do it, but Tyne and Wear received the worst subsidy for it in the country and have a massive shortfall. That's why the fares have went up in this case.
im all for people who skip the metro. The prices are too steep for the journies I take on them I must have skipped it well over 5 months then got fined twice in a week so stopped using them and got the bus instead
from parklane, sunderland to central is about £2.40 or £3.40, i remember when you could get from seaham to sunderland return for £1.40. i was under 16 at the time tho