Promise Album How cool would it be if Promise released a mix album?? i don't how far off this will be (if ever) however i eagerly wait the release regardless. Who do you think should have the honour of mixing a Promise album and why??
Re: Promise Album Good Plan - It would have to be Richie Lips, after all he's promised (no pun intended) to do a mix tape for ages. Sort it out matey.
eddie halliwell wud b great if he gets a residency cos it'd haf 2 b sum1 actuall associated wif the nite. any1 get his cd wif mixmag in december? top one
it would have to b a 3 cd'er, with richie mixin the first one, then matt H doin the 2nd, a bit harder maybe, and then eddie doin the 3rd, finishin it off with a bosh style cd! how mint would that be!!
that wud be wikid why dont mr tulip do a mix tape then sum one could bang out a few CDR s or sumfink and sell them in promise for a fiver or summat
how about 3 cd's with ...Richard Tulip, Matt Hardwick, and Courvin Dalek how good would that be! i reckon courvin dalek should become a resident