Practicing the fake smiles! Every Year I have to practice the fake smile for when I open the presents from my Auntie! Its a killer! This Yr I had to practive them for the works party and actually pretend I enjoyed dancing with the MD and my Boss! May I add I cant stand at this moment in time! I would cry if I had to do this more than once a yr!
Ive given up... 21 years of awful comedy socks, wooley jumpers, bookmarks, slippers!!!! etc have had there toll, im gunna tell em straight... "Ohh, you shouldn't have," Is what normally comes out. With fake smile. This year im gunna add "No, really you shouldnt, what a waste of money, its f$%king awful."
I really dont think I can cope with the fake smile this year! But its teh thought that counts as long as the Auntir doesnt think IM actaully going to wear what ever it is she has bought this yr!