Power cut... Mental; the power went off after a massive lightening strike! We've been in the dark for over an hour! Anyone else get blacked out?
Yup me , stanhope road s/s , the laygate , horsley hill and down town areas where off too , yet whiteleas and marsden where ok ??? ...fidds...
Black oot... Talbot Rd, Tyne Dock and Harton areas, as well as Jarrow were hit. I imagine all the charva's went on a mini looting spree!
Re: Black oot... It's alright in the centre of Jarrow fella's. We must have special back-up units to keep the Tyne Tunnel and Rohm Hass going!!
Team Valley? You're right near my House! Went black for a second or two a few hours ago, nothing major though
reckon this could have slightly affected cramlington? my mate's sound system fucked up at about 10-10:30
You up in Bensham? We didn't even get a moment of darkness The office has been vibrating with the thunder tho'. But nothing exciting...
Cheeky fucker! Low Fell, complete opposite end of the Valley! Ravensworth Estate, near the Gold Medal, behind Safeway
Nowt wrong with Bensham!!! I was living there until September - damn nice area You're not far from my office, it's right by Retail World. And divvn't diss Bensham again!
I was at the Gold Medal watching the England game the other week. *Makes mental note to avoid said pub from now on*