Postman My rich Aunty sent me a birthday card on Sunday and its the one Ive been waiting for the longest?! We have had no post yet...COuld someone have stole it. Nasty Postman :evil:
sent sunday? won't have been collected till atleast tuesday, sorted wednesday, might come today or tomorrow unless it's 2nd class. chill
It won't be second class...Im thinking maybe she sent it late so she lied and didn't send it till like wed? She always sends them late...But can't some cards get stolen when people see its a birthday card
i suppose so, depends if u've had bother before with post going missing... there's nowt to stop them doing it - i reckon it got posted late or something
Hey jess, This has happened to me before! I still recieved the card but it clearly had been opened and 15 quid was taken! Its happened to my mate aswell..the letter never turned up..Look on the bright side tho..its probably just the post people being gay and slow!
they still posted the card? surley if they're going to nick the money, they'd just get rid of all the evidence?!? and are all gays theives?
My friend at work uncovered a scandal a few years ago when she didn't receive ANY birthday cards in the post.. they sent test letters out to her for a few weeks, which looked like credit card company letters, birthday cards, etc and it turned out there were a few temp staff at the sorting office lifting them all.