Poor poor Dariuz Danesh Poor guy he's been rejected like about a million times (@least he'll feel that way) another thing please vote Will next week cos Gareth is not as gud but will probly win cos he prettier (silly 14 yr old girls and micki votin for him!) Will mite even be able to get a jaw reduction with his money from fame!
me too - ive always been voting for will. either way tho - they'll both get signed up & still make millions, doesnt really matter who wins pop idol
I hated darius. Such a bad example of what us wonderfull Scottish people r like. Has every1 forgoten the bloody Britney Spears effort I also hate Gareth cos every1 i meet says "ooo u look like that guy outa pop idol" What just cos i got the same haircut (mine is soooo much better) means i look just like him So that leaves Will. Well he's another one that looks like Shrek (just like that 1 from hearsay) but otherwise he seems ok. SO my vote goes to Will Thanks for listening!!!
I have the same problem with leonardo decaprio dexta, people always come up to me and say "Smart E/geeza/Joe you look just like leonardo decaprio", I mean for fucks sake I make leo look like worsel gumage I'm much more handsome.... hrrrrrrmmmmmmm maybe not
LMFAO @ Smart E.hehehehehehe So when i come to the meet up im lookin for a leo Dicaprio lookalike. U could make that a part time job
I already am, actually thats a lie - I'm his penis double, he's a bit well insecure about his size.... so they hire me... what can you do... god gave me a talent.... the art of of bullshit
hehehe *thump* DEXTA falls off chair Does it take a lot of skill to be a penis double. oh no i forgot it comes naturally