places to eat in durham... sorry 4 yet another thread on places 2 eat, it may appear as im somewhat obsessed with food which i'd like to point out that i aint lol, its just that im now probs gonna be in durham 2morro nite n i need to know ov sumwhere dead luvli n posh to go 4 food n not bin a durham lass maself or eva reeli bin there i hav no clue of where is nice... anyone know of anywhere..?!?! know this thread probs wont get any responses but cud kinda do with knowing of a few good places to pick from xxx
Elephant? Apparently that got shut down cos of food poisoning and then re-opened under a new name. China Joe's is meant to be a good Chinese- that's right near the station. Or Emilios on elvet bridge is good if you like Italian. Not sure what your definition of posh is though.
Head over to Elvet Bridge. Theres stacks of nice little italian places over that way...been in quite a few of them and can't remember having a bad meal. Alternatively, as has been mentioned, if you just want to feast, go to one of the Chineses places. Usually under a tenner for an all you can eat affair. Take a big bag!
They've both been shut down at some point as far as I can remember, but have both been improved quite a bit and obviously the standards have improved too. Been to the one outside Milburngate a few times, but only been to China Joes the once. China Joes was definitely the better of the two.