Pension battle - private v public sector I hope the Government holds out, they have had it too good for too long. Why should the public sector be treated any different? Retiring at 60 is something that is not going to happen for the majority of people. Why should council staff be any different?
Theres something not quite right about private sector workers not being allowed to retire till they are 70 (to get their state pension), while public sector workers want to retire at 60 ........ .... Im sure i'll cop a shitstorm for this one - but people need to remember that its the taxes from the private sector workers that pay for government jobs. Bit unfair.
Still without public sectors workers how would the country run? Who regulates the sectors with which the private sectors operate?
Traffic jam was just outside british engines in byker at about 3.45, 15 minutes later I could see it dissapearing into the distance. I reckon it would take a good few hours to get to the quayside from there the rate they were going, most of them had their engines off.
Mate, that has happened to the majority of people in the private sector. Employers aint supporting pensions like they used to. The public sector is only catching up with the real world.
innit, if they want to get something achieved they should take a leaf out of the french's book. they practically invented striking. although they're not having much luck at the moment, i reckon the pm will cave in and compromise over the law which they are all getting their knickers in a twist about.
French students are more annoying than the ra's you get about the toon. Id love to be a French copper with taser gun.
This hasnt got anything to do with the state pension, its to do with the local government pension schemes that these workers are complaining about. Places like the Inland Revenue and DWP recently allowed there staff to retire at 60 and receive their works pensions but the government have said that local government workers with pension schemes cant claim theres until there 65. The state pension can be claimed at 65 regardless of whether your in another scheme or not.
I never said get rid of them. What i am saying is that theres a) too many of them b) they get a good deal compared to alot of people in the private sector c) some of them are the most unproductive, lazy people in the entire country. Public sector workers ARE essential, but a shake up of the system is needed - Unfairly changing pension schemes is one thing worth protesting about, but this whole situation sounds very like the winter of discontent (also during a labour government) back in the 70's ..... once again we have increasingly unproductive state employees demanding more and more and more, and protesting more and more. Once again, i support the protests - what im sceptical about is using strikes as a means of achieving their means, and all this in the light of a year on year drop in productivity in some public sectors over the last decade. Knee jerk support of strikers is pretty unpalatable to me personally.
That's Phill and i told then eh ?? UNISON reasons behind the strike were given in this statement to university members ..... 'we want fair treatment not special favours. The government has protected the pensions of all current civil servants, NHS staff, teachers, police and the armed serivices. why should we be treated any differently' Anyway, i had a nice day off and i'm sure all the northumbria uni students did to !! Went to see V for Vendetta .... Brid you'd like it ... (well you'd probably prefer the original comic book, it's darker)
fucking whingeing tosspots the fucking lot of them. They wanna try working in the private sector for a while and see what real pressure and hard work is all about... without a decent pension scheme at all. Public sector work is cushy as fuck in comparison, and it's the wealth that the private sector create that pays for all public sector jobs. twats :evil:
I often say that to a few people i work with, but by no means all. Some people are more than prepared to work themselves into the ground. Anyway the issue here really was why protect some pensions and not others within the same sector.
Nah please dont get me wrong at all - Im not saying all public sector workers are lazy, its just that (as someone who's parents both work for the public sector) theres many stories about people who are incredibly lazy and a drain on resources ..... Its a difficult subject, because its hard to say anything bad without making it look like your knocking others - but theres been occasions when my parents will talk about departments and the like getting shut down and productive hard working people losing their jobs because the work shy ones let everyone else down .....
I know, i was only teasing I agree with you on the whole .... i think a lot are lazy, but i've seen enough exceptions to stick up for the ones that are hard workers.
there are lazy bastards in both private and public sector. i think this is discrimination against public sector workers from a government which dipped its gready hands into pension coffers when it came to power and brought us to the pnsion crisis we are in now.