Pa-Ching! now listen! only one babe on here has pa-ching, and that's Gizmo. Her's comes out of a bottle, but only when her natural pa-ching wears out, which is about 4am at a festival. Gizmos hardcore NEVER fades (areet phil?) Whoever is using pa-ching had better stop, do you know who Gizmos dad is? AND... only Gizmo looks fresh out of a box at all times, you can't fake that with a bottle! and YES I'VE GOT A DOWNER, WOT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?
lmfao, no, not really, all we know is that some1 has stollen gizmo's per-ching and its just not on!!!
that's bad shit that is like....... stealing someone's per-ching...........whoever it is will surely go to hell almost as bad as stealing someone's EH?? innit steve
heheheh lol! surely tho the other pa-ching aint the REAL thing! there is only one place to get pa-ching in a bottle and giz is only person who knows where that is! the rest is like the cheap perfume u get abroad hehehe.