One of those days ... Am having one of those days where I just wanna curl up and hide away in bed :cry2: Anyone else feeling just as crap?
I'm feeling pretty bad today. Didn't give myself chance to recover from the weekend by going out las night aswell :beer: :beer: :wiggle: :sick:
im actually pretty good, played 5 a side last night so finally got some exercise for the first time in ages seeing my girlfriend tonight then its Steve Lawler for my birthday weekend! so im pretty happy
Ive gotta pull myself together for a driving lesson in a bit I love driving, but not even that is sparking owt with me today
Im feeling absolutely brilliant, had a long weekend with the girlfriend, been to Manchester, nights out, nights in, and its put me in an awesome mood this morning
Re: One of those days ... nah im feelin sweet, registerin at uni today, well looking forward to gettin back into lectures next week, get some tunes made n stuff! cant wait to get on sx3 been lookin fwd all hols! jus shame i cant get it on my home pc...unless i purrr chase it
I feel like cack today, another sleepless night in which all I could think about was ciggies and my next line. Both of which are quit, managed this for a month in January so i'm hoping to do better this time. Lifes also shit but hey, you give up the things you enjoy an things get better eh!!
I know it was the pm I sent you Dan I feel good today had a work tonight but that means that im off on Thursday !!