One for the Geordies A bloke on his way home from work in Newcastle comes to a dead halt in traffic on City Road, and thinks to himself, Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual. Nothing's moving." He notices a police officer walking back and forth between the lines of cars so he rolls down his window and asks: "Officer what's the hold up?" The officer replies: "It's a Mackem, he's just so depressed about losing 1 nil to the lads and the prospect of winning f**k all after gobbing off all november and december, he's threatening to douse himself in petrol and set himself on fire. He says his family hates him, his Middleboro' mates are all laughing at him and he has never had a job, I'm walking around taking up a collection for him." "Oh really?" says the executive "How much have you collected so far?". "So far," replies the policeman "Only about three hundred litres, but a lot of people are still siphoning."
GO ON THE TOON!...i cant dis because i get 50,000 geordies walking past my flat every saturday afternoon!
Newcastle United bra for sale! Loads of support. No cups. The Newcastle United Trophy Room was broken into last night. Police say they are looking for a black and white carpet.