on the sick been forced onto the sick by my gaffa, ( and bored already ) i collapsed yesterday ontop of scaffolding when i had a dizzy spell, which ive been getting a while and loosing balance and things like that, the docs hav took blood and stuff but dont know what it can be, going agen 2day for then 2 try more tests feeling a bit edgy like
nah thats not the reason, ive been feeling like this for ages like all dizzy and that, and had "special" medication at the weekend coz i had already paid for me ticket and i hate wasting cash, like ive got the farm party on sat, even people sed at detox i looked really pale like, may hav been those industrial poppers like but, still hav a bad head, feel dizzy, i feel pissed without being pissed
its not funny i need pitty, im on the sick with full pay and nothing 2 do till after easter, this is hopeless, ive got fuck all 2 do, i miss work ( coz i love my job) but it does mean i casn get it more and more regular now from my teacher women ( she teachers kids who are mental i.e disruptive as fuck) she can tame me
it is pretty funny though. You're complaining about looking pale on saturday and feeling dizzy and generally under the weather, erm, comedown symptoms?? and i really don't think you're going to get any sympathy for saying "I have a headache"....."industrial strength poppers" in the same sentence!
least your getting paid, im on the sick for another 3 after being off for 2 already and getting sweet f a
me neither! sounds like you have just went into work rough off the weekend and cant handle it you wimp. cant wait til all the drugs u have bin taking show up on ur test results