oh you're so having a laugh. MCs and police are joining forces to create raves keeping the 13-18 year old kids off the streets.. i'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing promoting happy hardcore and MC Stomping garbage.. and no doubt it'll get the younger kids into their drugs sooner too.. what are your thoughts? stompin stompin stompin ARRGH.
so there creating more raves just to keep 13-18yr olds off the streets. What happened to the 'Partys Over' bollocks that there meant to be enforcing?
You can tell its gonna end in tears, but you never know tbf its all gonna be the scallies innit, so theres gonna be a load of grief no matter where they go/what they do
with the demise of 'youth clubs' and decent parks where kids can play without getting bothered by paedos these days - i think it's a good thing. MC's may be shite - but drugs ain't the only way if it stops the little fucks hanging around on my street corner necking-on and 'grebbing' on the path - it's all good
It was on the news this morning, they have already had a few of them, its ok though because 'they got searched for drugs, alcohol, knives and guns on the door'
Its just another youth scheme, they obviously realise the ammount of trouble being caused on the streets by youths who have nowhere to go, so they've organised this to give them something to do. At the end i don't think there will be as much drugs as you'd emagine, for starters the people organising it won't want people running round muntered because the nght will be stopped, and they have joined with the police, so i can emagine security will be pretty tight.
well it cant b a bad thing gettin all the little charvs off the streets, but if they aint takin drugs in there or before theyre just guna meet ppl who can get it for them and itll probs cause more 14 yr old mothers. overall its probably a thick as fudge thing to do