Normality Odd one for the weekend crowd. I was asked yesterday 'Don't you want to be normal?' Been thinking, what exactly is normal...would anyone be able to tell me exactly what we would be stiving for if we were all 'normal'? Quite frankly, im happyish being me, i dont want to be like everyone else...individuality is the key! defines normal as: Who wants that? I mean, yeah, you dont want to be like a hermit, trying to avoid normality at all costs...but what is normal? Are you it?
Im just going from the definition of normal, the norm, a pattern, everyone the same. off topic, why did they clone a sheep? you cant tell the bloody things apart anyhow!
I don't really think you could class anyone as normal to be honest, as who's to say that they're the normal one?!
i think it would'nt be boring if everything was the same, mebies just a continous evolvement of better things. I seen a charva on the bus last week with a goth .. thats canny cool, like abnormal togetherness as for me i think i am normal and mentally retarded .. ooh split personality
Isnt it best to be who you are! I guess past experiences etc make the person you are today! You can change yourself but its best to change yourself for the right reasons! I am who I am and I am happy with that! I wouldnt class myself as normal as 'what is normal' I am just me! (perfect........joke)