No dancing in the USA They've already passed the RAVE act and now they are planning on introducing the Ecstacy Awareness act, which will prob stop all overground club nites We may only get it monthly in Blighty but at least we get it
they need a scape goat (its easier than sorting the real problems) and seem to have chosen dance music... in the same way as ozzy osborne etc... (maybe they jus don't like us 'british')
what about the law in texas that states that you can drink a can of beer while you drive yet if your ICE system irritates people with bass frequencies more than 30 yards away your car will be taken from you !!! FOOKIN CRAZY HORSES THE LOT OF THEM !
bowling for columbine is a great documentary - everyone should watch it methinks. I wouldnt say America was any more insane than this country though.