nightmare! had been looking forward to last night at WHQ all week, had a wicked day yesterday, seeing some mates who i aint seen for ages... some since i left high school.(11 years ago). went out for lunch, watched the match(boo the result), watched england beat the aussies then headed up to clear bar in town. drinks were flowing, had a good laugh then headed over to WHQ, saw my mate play a wicked set then it all started to go wrong...... started to feel a bit rough so went outside for some air and proceeded to have the biggest asthma attack i ever had, only ever had 3 bad ones in my life but this was the worst, didn't have my inhaler either(dunno why, i always have it), so had to go to the feckin RVI, then they made me tell them exactly what i had to drink/taken etc, then they finally decided to give me some oxygen. and the worst thing was, couldn't leave till this morning, only got back about i say, a potentially double wicked night ruined by my own bodies short fallings! NIGHTMARE! that is all!
aye, still gutted though! silicone soul were kicking arse, and by the sounds of it, was a hell of a lot busier than promise! a quick well done to dan, mark, scott, si and everyone else who put it all together. good show fellas... hope its just the start of things to come!