new pussy.. guys.. girls.. pussy fans. i'm going to the cat and dog shelter tomorrow to look for a new friend, but before i do that, does anyone know anyone who's got cats/kittens they need to give to a good home?
My mate is having to give his cat away.. I'm not sure about the age though. If it doesn't get a home it will get put down. Its called General (No joke!) If ur interested let me know..
I dont need its age, Ill just take it to a shelter which is what any decent person would do rather than just put it down cos they dont want it anymore.
I have no idea what the circumstances are. I just got a text earlier 2day asking if I knew anyone that'd be interested..
I'll let him know.. I must point out I'm not cruel to animals or anything.. It just never occured cos I've got a lot of stuff on mind at the mo.. I've actually been to a shelter..
thats a list of some places im going to benton lane in the morning.
got one.. he's crazy! trying to think of a name.. little black and white number about a year old, stray from jesmond..