New Ipod thingies Getting one for my birthday, really want one in black but no where has it.. Any sightings? Probably won't even be able to work it to it's full potential, then if I do figure it out I'll fill it up with an intriguing mix of old happy hardcore tunes and gay 80's pop, but hey! It's not my £.
aha! Will pass the info onto the present buyer, but I believe if they use their credit card again this century a big wire cage drops down on them. Could give me the £ and get it on mine I guess..hmm cheers
any1 seen these in th news being highly criticised?? ive heard even apple have sed they have found a fault???? still look awesome
yeh plenty people have taken em back with cracked screens, what d'ya expect with something SOOOOOO small
Aye, if you buy of the apple website you can also have a message laser engraved onto the back of it for no extra charge! I'm getting our lass one for crimbo.
I dont like Ipods, had a normal and mini one and they are just not that good, look ok but not good software
I got one last week read in the paper the other day tho some brake very easily had no problems with mine yet.
Shows what a joke Apple are - this is the 4th different type of ipod out there (nevermind the various generations) - and they STILL haven't ironed out any creases - More faults with the newest nano's? yet people still buy them
Apart from looking good iPod's aren't anything special. Not my cup of tea anyway! Plenty of mp3 players out there that can at least match iPods capability
Re: New Ipod thingies aye dont buy it yet i would say - got a friend who worked for Apple, *no names* and in the first 2 months they send em out without fully testing them, just wait that 2 months, they get lots of complaints iron a few problems out, and you should have an OK working product, but then again apple is shit. my 2p worth? get a creative zen or philips HDD.