Need tunes similar to stuff from Casper. I love my hard house and i like it to be as hellish as possible and i really enjoyed everything mark maitland has been playing. any pointers on who to look out for? i need to expand my collection. hardest ive probably got is casper mix of eardrums. i need more
check out lables like Kaktai..passion...Vicious Circle (obviously)..Nu energy.. some good online stores are chemical records and vicious circle...thats where i get most of my stuff from now.
old tinribs!!!!!! wicked whites-no 1 is ace-drugz/helfire-riggsy and zippy errrr all the passions(karim and casper-you have contol is by far the best) do not bend- all in this series is awsome. esp the power/columbia tuff trax- do not bends sister label- look out for no 5-karim-osaka well just have a look thru the passion records website theres some awesome records on there look at all the new promo's
yeah all the passion stuff is awsome man a*'s new one is fucking awsome man check that out chris oh and casper for quality casper=