ne1 got the abby road cd?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crasherbiatch, Oct 26, 2002.

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  1. crasherbiatch

    crasherbiatch BANNED

    Jul 12, 2002
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    ne1 got the abby road cd?

    After a Fab Four studio session that went badly, Paul got PO'd and sped away in his car. Cruising down the road, Paul saw a sweet looking meter maid (Lovely Rita). Unfortunately, he didn't see an on-coming car, so he crashed and was decapitated.
    The other Beatles buried Paul and got a look-alike (Billy Shears) to take his place. They evidently felt kinda bad about it so they left clues in almost all of their albums. Anyway, here's Abbey Road:

    1. Look at the license plate on the white car in the background. The numbers say "28IF". Paul would have been 28 IF he had survived from the car crash! Get it?

    2. Crossing the road, John is dressed like a priest, Ringo: a paul bearer, the Paul-lookalike: a dead guy, and George: a grave digger

    3. The fake Paul has a cig in his right hand. Everybody knows that the REAL Paul was left handed.

    4. "Paul" isn't wearing shoes, a symbol of death in Greece.

    5. "Paul" looks like he has a big crack in his head, symbolizing the car crash.

    On the back....
    6. You see a woman walking away. That's Lovely Rita the meter maid that distracted Paul.

    7. Connect the dots to the left of the "The Beatles" sign. It makes "3" symbolizing the number of remaining Beatles.

    8. To the right of the Beatles sign, there is a light/shadow figure that looks like a skull.

    9. There is a crack in the wall through "The Beatles" sign symbolizing the breakup of the group.
  2. 1615634792921.png

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