Naive Parents It's my Brothers 21st B'day today and I was speaking to my mum asking what they've bought him. She said that they got him some decks Anyway I asked if she was mad cos she's been complaining about noise he makes and stuff for a while. Her answer was " It's ok, cos they came with headphones so i won't hear it" BLESS
Show her this thread.. record a movie of her face as it drops.. Your poor mother is in for a bit of a shock..
Lol i did explain it to her after. I was like "How do you think people hear the DJ's music in a club?" She said " Oh Yeah, I suppose"
hehe living where you do theres loads of gullies. we used to shoot em from me mates attic window in salisbury street
I meant charvas (and other types that live round there..) But yeah.. seaguls are annoying.. my car is gonna get caked in shite like..
i did say something along the lines of this to my mam like be she was having none of it so when i got compo i just went and bought some like.