More posts from Mr. Ché? I think II'm going to start and post more! Why? I hear you say... I found out that I can do it at work (on my breaks in the cyber cafe). So Ive decided thats what I will do on my 2nd breaks. At first it wouldnt let me post but that was before they changed the proxy settings!!! MINT! No more 2nd break boredom!
who's this che fella then? lol, u havnt been on the board for a while!! as if you will ever catch up to my post count tho!! im the queen of posting (as sad as it is)
is that the infamous goldfish bowl at BT? nice 2 have u back...seeing as i dont see anyone anymore u have to come online innit....same goes for you spooks!
Re: More posts from Mr. Ché? good idea son tis exActley wh\t i do what else is there to do on ur breaks tho!! except vist the board!!
im not harsh young man! maybe some healthy piss taking now and then but that will only b aimed at you as alwaYS!