Monday Well its monday again!!! Anyone got anything nice planned this week? what did yas do at the weekend? I got week off this week, so will be mostly trying to catch up on sleep and :chill: :chill: Was my birthday yesterday, started off quite sad and gradually got worse. However, Casy did save the day by stopping me from spending the day in bed. Went for lunch and chilled out Fri and Sat had god nights, stayed out local fri, got trashed and fell asleep. Sat went bowling, was rather funny, got pissed and carried on the party at dans Suffering badly now
Happy Birthday for yesterday Weekend was pap, flyered allnight Saturday for a club that goes against ALL of my principles and thats all I did
Ive already been through a litre of milk, although im kinda regretting it now and some crispy bacon wheat crunchies
Its safe to say there was a few games kicking about cos i was in the Gummy Bears at points.. Unreal they were - there was a party in me eyes and every man and his dog was invited :laugh:
I went for something to eat last night Im still so full off it I probably won't be eating most of 2day