Mik's teeth explained! This is a '00' Fleming approved product, and is actually part of John's wife, Selma's venture. Maybe someone you know would like this as a christmas present? it's only £19.99 Phone or visit the site and say 'JOOF sent me' U.S.A ‘s #1 UV activated teeth whitener NOW available in the UK Whitening your teeth is one of the easiest and most cost effective procedures you can do to improve your appearance. The price we pay to look good can end up being phenomenal. As you many be aware there is a lot of hype in the media about teeth whitening some dentist's charging £400.00 for this service. Twilight Teeth have now made it easier to achieve the same look for a fraction of the price. Unlike home whitening kits this product uses the same whitening agents as the dentist and therefore achieves excellent results in a very short time of use, in some cases a noticeable difference in the first time of use. Buy NOW!! Telephone 0845 408 2883 Or for more information about Twilight Teeth go to; www.santiagoconsultants.co.uk http://www.john00fleming.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3204
mik sed to me he brushes his teeth 4 times a day cant remember when he sed that but it was a while bk
I brush mine 3 times, but i eat sweets n crap all day so i need too......except on weekends when im not home and dont have my toothbrush, although i used to go to shops about 10am at afters and buy one. I dont have brilliantly white teeth like micks tho...
all he ever does when he is round here is brush his teeth hes constantly back and forwards to the bathroom with his toothbrush and tooth paste!! To be honest, i dont think his teeth are really that white, i just think his tan makes them stand out more...hahaha!!
hehehe!!! he aint that bad with the whole brushing teeth thing...tis betta to hav teeth like his than teeth like....well..haha!! some of u lot!!! (only a selected few will understand that bit!! ) hee hee!! jess and katie u illustrated it perfectly!! xxxx
no secret to me teeth, just look after them thats all!!!, better than having false ones are a smile like half u's lot!!!