MICKi is very upset! i think he is contemplating suicide after nobody mentioned him during his 2 week absense from the board! do u still love him? or did you enjoy the calm euphoria when he is missing? SAVE HIS SOUL!
didnt even notice he was missing! ahhh well micki, nice to have you back (i think) i havnt met you yet, n i dont know why, but id quite like to!
you've seen him b4 kerry! when we went to see Lord of the Rings he wos outside the jewellery shop! remember anything???
ah, was he a hippy? (thats sound coming from me!) but i thought he was meant to be a charva! he didnt look like a charva *kerry' mental image of micki and clarki the "charva's" slowly fades* im sad now! i was expecting a stobby style charva, yak! stobby!
screw u im not a hippy. i dont look like a hippy, act like a hippy, talk like a hippy or dress like a hippy. i generally dont even like hippys they are sad fucked up people, and how u could even compare me to that is a insult.
ooooops, sorry, i might have been looking at the wrong person, or got the wrong impression! im glad really coz i wanted u to be the major charva that i had in my head!
sorry but i wouldn,t say i was a major charva, i might have a few charva attributes but im not a complete charva. sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
i noticed! i was thinkin that maybe micki lost interest and just clarki was posting... where was ya guv
i dont think i could type that, but does that mean im a charva?? to be quite honest, im not too sure what it means, maybe im just a ditzy blonde, but we knew that already!! loosy, u may have too much time on ure hands judging from all these pics u attatch!! just kidding darl, they keep us all smiling! love you!
sorry kidda im not goin soft on you i just cant be as much of a charva as u haha dont u love it wen little charvas start fights and then get kicked to shit heehee
ladgeful: another made up charva word, often used after the word pure to emphasise a point. shocking, shanful ect.