Memo! I acquired this memo from work tonight that was delivered to the 104 new 'ethnic' members of staff my company has decided to hire. > Serious misuse of toilet facilities, and defacement: Excrement covering toilet bowls, seats, toilet lids and walls. Nose mucus on walls on above urinals. Semen being found over toilet seats and floors. > Tea points and work areas: Used sanitary towls behind water coolers Thermal cups full of vomit in cupboards Cultural differences: Certain cultures are using running water to clean themselves after they have used the toilets, which is causing embarrassment for other members of staff. There are disabled toilets which can be used for more privacy. DIRTY FUCKING BASTARDS!!
Re: Memo! also forgot to mention the sign on the toilet door in their office, '' If anyone requires toilet training please report to your line manager''
Re: Re: Re: Memo! when i worked for nissan someone shat themselves while they were waiting for someone to come out of the toilet poor lad.
Re: Memo! where the fuck is is you work anyway like windy, the fucking pakistani embassy or something?
dont them buggers eat with one hand and wipe theyre arse with the other or something. id chop theyre fucking hands off me
Re: Re: Memo! cant say, but if they weren't so fucking useless and actually used the HR department to hire staff with the min. requirments for the job, instead of using addecco to send us all the staff that cant get employed anywhere else I swear down they sacked shit loads of them cause the couldnt count, or speak english!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Memo! its not the rpa is it? paula told me a similar story the other day and posted it here