loser. anyone else have the problem of losing EVERYTHING all the time? ive lost my house keys three times in three months and cant get in and out the front door i even go out to work and leave the back door keys in my room and forget to ring someone to leave the front door open ive had so many switch cards over the years they've gone from issue 1-9 twice... left my watch at my mates house in london a few weeks ago.. lost my mobile in august, again.. and fuck knows where my visa card is... id use my wallet but ill only lose everything at once... i have to have my phone on me constantly in case i put it down somewhere and forget... pisses me of soo much!
Other than me keys the other week which were retd i dont make a habit of losing / leavin stuff. Claire made sure i kept everything i had on me in some cracker box anyways after the dingy so as long as things are in one place im ok - there's nothing worse tho really - when its keys / bank cards / phones its just shit !
that a dig at me too ? after all the tidying up we do i dont think that comment was acceptable that pan with the mould on the bench which you left is revolting the only person i know who has cleaned the shower and toilets in the past 5 months is Paula
And Sasha and Stu do the kitchen. The worst thing is the plates of half eaten food that stay on the bench for weeks! you have to walk past the bin to get to the sink any way, just scrape the leftovers in! (sorry, rant over, but its bloody annoying! )
nope although stu better have a nice crisp cheque for friday ive cleaned that putrid hole twice now... mouldy pan :spangled: youll have to show me.. oh and im filling my washing liquid and juice wiv bleach so butter fingers better beware
tbh tom i dont think youre going to get any ££ off stu as you said at the start he didnt have to pay any and stop bringing it on the board i dont think he'll appriciate it
tbh we should have a dig at more than him! but sashas right, not our house. (so we dont have to get it spotless when they want their deposits back )
surprised kid doesnt clean much...he used to be obsessed with vaccuming. used to almost cry at the state of my room in heaton (although...does he still have that orange?)
i dont see anyone begging me to leave the key so they can take the rubbish out btw i love you that much.. u can have my key.. maybe ill just take the spare key back