Has anyone been to any of the following: Pleasure Rooms,Sunrise or the G-Bar If so what are they like?
ive been to all of them, sunrise and the pleasure rooms are full of scallies. the g-bar is by far the best, 2 rooms on a friday £5 to get in, hardhouse/trance/scousehouse and funky and ambient in te other. saturday has 3 rooms, £10 to get in with the prog room open. its on eberle st opposite the old garlands venue and is primarily a gay club. its open til 8 i think
depend what u want really, the bigger nights are all gone now, bugged out once a month at cream is always amazing if u like techno/house etc, the one off cream nights are always ok aswell. theres a new night there called accelerate with trance hard/trance but they have gone under i think. garlands in now in a place called the state which is on dale street, right by the g-bar, its just house nowadays cos they only have one room there are no hardhouse clubs, the rest of the night are based around a place called the masque venue, its by cream, they host: generate - trance/hard trance circuscircus - yousefs night, so its just house chibuku shake shake - house aztec - prog clubs to avoid: 051 society the bars are open til 2 tho u need to wear trousers and shoes for most of em.
Its a stag party so we need to go somewhere mainstreamish for the best part of the night, then the non clubbers can drift back to the hotel & the clubbers can go to the G-Bar. Can you wear trainers for the G-bar?
yeah u can wear what u like to the g-bar, i dunno where i would suggest for a mainstream club, maybe the cavern club in matthew st, its got 3 floors with rock in one and disco and stuff in the others. the problem is it has a no trainers policy. the only place u could wear trainers to are garlands, cream ir any of the smaller nights.
I will go back to the hotel & change because I think I will need shoes on when I go on the lash in Matthews St.
u'll be ok to go anywhere then really, theres a few top bars in matthew st, tends to be full of scallies tho, i prefer the concert square area, few less scallies and better bars i think its got a loads of tables outside all the bars, must hold a couple of thousand ppl on a busy summer night, matthew st always has a buzz about it aswell. personally the only bar i go to is modos on concert square. u'll have a top night where ever u go, u never see that much trouble anywhere apart from the 051 and the sunrise.