Lisa Lashes Just how old is this bint? With all the products she has caked over her face these days, she could pass for late 20's after a few cans. In the photo below (Shoom, London, circa 1988), she looks around 18-20 (and suspiciusly like that Janet character). So doing some maths with my C grade GCSE, she's late 30's? A flange test is probably more reliable in cases like these. Nice mullet there by the way Oakenfold
I was wondering where Lashes was on the photo! I do know how old she is, but I won't reveal it on here.
Bob we all know she lies about her age why dont you tell us this, whats the age difference between her and *a*star ???
well he was about 21 / 22 when they started going out aabout 6 yeasr ago so subtract that from what her age is aint she like 42 or 43??? seasonally adjusted age 35
thats lisa loud by the way She look's like a right fucking pig, bet she's got a bad case of baggy twat by now aswell:sick:
Lisa loud still looked canny fit when she was at arcane about 3-4 years ago. Oakenfold looks like he has loads of cheap pastic surgery now. Where did you get the picture kyle.