Last night Thought I'd start this thread since it's inevitable that someone will first time at Foundation....fucking excellent! Met loads of people from the board though I can't remember half of them. Infact I don't remember most of the night and I have NO IDEA how I got home. Sorry for not saying bye to anyone! I think I just left randomly at some time! But yeah, definately be going there again...though maybe I shouldn't drink as much next time! Those little plastic cups of vodka and red bull killed me! *liver failure* Hi to geordielee, xPx, smoggle, crasherkid, erm....oh yeh sasha and sarah, and that lad near the end I was sitting with and who took me into that other room to see if I liked....that other music :spangled: I *think* it was "kid" but I can't remember!! Good night!
Re: Last night Haha, that would be kid. He is usually upstairs and occasionally migrates downstairs for some toilet banter and to see if he can get us lot into house music by pulling us upstairs by our ears. It never works though.
Me too! I think I'm still pissed and my dad's just shoved a bacon sandwich into my face and said "want a bacon sarnie?" I nearly puked :spangled:.....though I haven't yet I think I will sometime today
Anyone see that Charva kid who was wearing that black henry lyodd jacket and he was just standing in the middle of the dancefloor doing nowt!!!
Hummel usually just stands there, on the dancefloor, doing nowt. Drink in hand. I think dancing is too much like effort to him. Not sure if i can see him in a Herny Lloyd though.
Re: Re: Re: Last night Not the house thats played in the always room. Ive never liked it.. i dunno whats different about it it just sounds shit!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Last night I dunno whats played in there these days but last time i was in there is was kinda funky. And there aint nowt wrong with that.
i thought the stuff in the always room last nite was ace and in general, a pretty good night. totally fucked my hand BTW to anyone who saw me holding my hand, got a big fook off support on it now mleh.