Kill the Disco - Friday 15th June

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by killthedisco, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. killthedisco


    Jan 29, 2007
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    Kill the Disco - Friday 15th June

    Friday 15th June

    Kill The Disco presents

    Leo (Phuture - Manchester)

    Kieron Preston (Stable Disko - Burnley)

    After a right spanker of a weekend taking in 3 kill the disco parties (how awesome is rouge as a venue and how class was Marc Ashken!) we have just about composed oursleves to begin thinking about the next one. Making his 2nd journey down to play for us on Friday is Leo, resident and promoter of the wicked Phuture night in Manchester. Phuture take place every month at Urbis, and over the last couple of years has played host to wicked artists such as DNCN, Alex Under, Audio Werner and Will Saul, culminating with an awesome live set from Pier Bucci at the start of this month. Joining him this time will be Kieron Preston, promoter of Stable Disko in Burnley, a massive warehouse party taking place just off the M65 for 'people in the know'! Expect bucketfulls of acid, techno, house and minimal, and of course our guests will be joined by our lovely residents. Catch u all on Friday.


    Pacific Bar, Corporation Road, Middlesbrough (Opposite The Empire)

    Free Entry

    7 - 1

    Drinks - Cheap as chips
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