just say nein from a german party safe site as translated by google:- Safer Use The most important thing at the celebrations: avoid the mixing of several substances to the party regularly fresh air refuel 3-5 dl water, every hour. At very high temperatures more! Sex only with rubber Before the party ausgeschlafen good and sufficient food to eat what if you have made to you: hands away from tax Effects of various substances runs later, why not just wait and nachspicken (including alcohol) not alone consume and beware of your friends and girlfriends anyone with problems alone and ambulance call Consumption, acquisition, possession and trade of most drugs are punishable Safer Sniffing Through the sharing of utensils Sniff-like tubes or banknotes can be serious infectious diseases (hepatitis C) infect. Even minor injuries in the nasal mucous tube by sharp enough to address, for example, hepatitis viruses to infect. An banknotes and tubes liable hepatitis viruses are outside the body viable long! Tubes not share! No bank notes to use Sniffen! Gönne your nasal mucous enough rest, clean and take care of them regularly (possibly with Nasenspülungen, nasal ointment). Is your nose impaired or damaged, looking for a doctor or a doctor. Safer Sex Safer sex is not only pregnancy prevention, but also protection against sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV (AIDS is still not curable!) Or hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Also on drugs: Präservative not forget! Be careful when bubbles and licking: under no circumstances semen or menstrual blood in their mouths. Always with a rubber bladder! you have been warned