Just been to . . Tesco in Kingston Park. Two words . . TOTAL CARNAGE! Fuckin unbelievable, 1030pm and its fucking rammed. Car park is virtually full. Every fucker is beeping at everyone else. Then inside the shop, you can hardly move, every trolley is overflowing, the shelves are virtually empty (and this is a big fucking store). Two women bashed trolleys and started having a big slanging match right in front of me. A few aisles later theres some other woman pushing her trolley, in tears, but carrying on with her shopping all the same. And the beer aisle, i couldnt even get down it! Glad to get out of it! Xmas!
I made the mistake of starting at 4pm!! I will indeed be showing my face, it gets far to busy though!
I work in morissons in byker, and tonight was carnage, the place looked like a bomb had hit when I left at 1030PM. It's a joke how many people leave there chritmas shopping till last minute. Glad i'm off home to manchester tonite and don't have to work tommorrow.
I actually thought for 4 days this week working in Asda at nights from 6pm - 11pm that the world was about to end ?!?! Is this not the case ?!? Some people are sad as fuck with there two trollies battling around the isles - the shops are only fucking shut for two days man get a bastard grip However i am off now till the 28th
saw seans boyfriend in town earlier, said somethin bout your plans for nye... might drop in if its at yours? guarenteed hugs'r'us will be open for business :fuming:
Mate i live there its hell..... We went at 5.30 this morning for xmas food shop was still packed then
im goin to supermarket on my lunch to get bottles of drinks for ppl that i need and some dvds or somethin :spangled: i mite b there a while. morrisons isnt far from my work tho so im gonna c if can get them 3 dvd in one box set things.
Class, do you know Ahmed? I used to work in Morrisons Killingworth (and am back there now over Christmas ) and he used to be my Asst. Grocery Manager, think I was talking to, erm, Brid about him at last Promise - he was class! A lot of people hate him though, just gotta get used to his ways Anyway yeah the supermarkets. I've been doing Night Shift at Morrisons. This morning they opened at 6.40am, even though it was meant to be 7am opening, and it was like midday on a Saturday. Stupid fuckers coming and nicking all the veg, I was still stacking me shelves which weren't ready for them! I did all my shopping 2 weeks ago...in Durham Now just to wrap it all
Not as simple as that though, if you've got to but fresh produce, likes fruit + verg, milk, bread, etc, etc...
ive just been to morrisons and was fine, part from them running out of some spirits had to go find off license and couldnt get parked anywhere up shields road so ive had to go all way down chilli :spangled: baileys for a tenner in somerfield tho gonna b purshasing some of that boxing day
it's just one big morrisons party on here init? lol... htank fuck ive been working nights, the days are total chaos!