Jump London on channel four now any one watching? 3 french blokes jumping around all the famous buildings in london tis well good
Missed most of it, hear the shit they were talking about at the end, fucking stupid bastards. How can they make it safe, etc?
well i thought it wasnt that good. we could have done over half of them jumps man! and all that bollocks that crazy guy was goin on about. hes just a fuckin nutter tryin to create a new way of life. sorry but hes fuckin mad. and all the best jumps were in the advert anyway. i was very very very disapointed. when they were in france was the best jumps and stuff.
that programwas shit hot the police wouldnt stand a chance trying to catch them like i bet you there is going to be a lot of people in hospital over the next few weeks with broken bones me more then likely lol
dont wanna put a downer on things but i think it was a stupid program didnt watch it in favour of Alan Partridge in a way i think it was irrisponsible of channel 4 to broadcast this as it will only encourage kids to try jumping across rooftops... someone in my mates year at school tried something like this, jumping from the roof of Somerfield to the roof of a multi storey car park, he fell and died