July 4th - Quality Whos going to be going to this then? not only is it going to be a great night, but its my birthday night out, and its a very special birthday for me too i hope loadsa people r guna be out for it p.s. feel free to buy me a drink
Quality I hope top be ethere, al just have to see how the pennys are coz am going on hoilday on the 15th! Still, its gonna be a good like aint it! xx
I will be there!! Get somewhere sorted for an aafterparty!!! Even if its loads of cars with drink in the boot going to the beach at 4am. I need to do somthing from Quality until the start of SSN.
whats this??? is kerry gonna be getting drunk on her birthday?? i hope so kerry when drunk= :evil: :angel: :chill:
nah, its so i can give them all to daniel so he doesnt spend all his money on drink in promise, then he'll have some money to buy me a nice b/day prezzie!!! kerry = genious
I'm defo there and Hogg is coming whether he likes it or not! I think you should get pissed Kerry, youre hilarious when youre drunk!
Re: July 4th - Quality its my 21st birthday on the 4th, its me they should be buying drinks for! as much as i would love to celebrate it with all of you promise people, i have already organised a small party in Amnesia with my friends paul and tijs.