i'll be there....i know he aint the best but he aint the worst and at least you know you'll get some good tunes...even if it is rather predictably that fuct camera!!! as long as its not (take note cyberted) CANED AND BLOODY UNABLE!!!!
Caned and Unable?..whats wrong with that!!! fair enough he does play it ever time hes dj'ing.... Im just hoping hes not gonna try attacking some clubbers!
oh please dont everyone start griefing julesy im sure you've all been to see him when hes been class at one point and all of you who slag him off constantly went to see him at red n black n said he was class. suppose we're all entitled to our own opinions i suppose but if you dont like him dont come and see him as simple as that!!xx
i used to and always will stick up for jules because he gets sooo much flack for nothing but the other week at crasher when armin played a four hour set and then jules came on and did the last three he killed it....fair enough his set was ok....nofin too bad but nofin special but then for his last two tunes he played that trumpet tune that sounds like sumit from eldorado and then he played minimalistix! in my opinion not a last nite type of tune