Judge Jules - Spin cities any 1 watch it? its on UK Play... he goes round different cities, and they discuss the clubs + scene and stuff.... hes such a bad presenter! but the show is ok...
the problem when he's on telly is fitting his humpty dumpty sized head onto the screen and then when it does finally manage to fit he looks straight through the camera!! tis offputting!!!
on TV hes like a scared rabbit or something....seems really fake when hes doin the links and stuff... but the show is ok....
theirs that funny bit which they play over and over, where he squats down to open that cowhide bag and a light gleams out, its just that picture of joy on his face every time he opens the bag that gets me.
LMAO!! its so true! i like it wen they show footage of him playin at gigs n he duz those funny expressions behind the dex. wot is he actually doing??:spangled:
He used to do stu[id expressions on his face all the time but hes stopped doing them so much now. Wot does my nut in is when he he starts pretending to prey to the crowd! tut tut
dave that is just horrible i cant believe u've just said that thing about his head that is so nasty. :evil: :evil: :evil: !!! xxx
sorry dave didnt mean to single u out to shout at there only seen ur comment n now i've just read the rest of the thread OH MY GOD WILL EVERYONE STOP BIN SO NASTY???!!! can we not pick on some other dj please??!! actually no cos thats nasty too but dont laugh at him though please i know im soundin very much pathetic goin on about him n sticking up 4 him the way i do but some of them little comments were just horrid. :evil: :evil: shame on u all!!! and i'd like to see any of you lot do any betta!! joe please can we delete this thread tis horrid n nasty and has upset me !! xxxxx
Yeah i used to watch it ages ago then it started being repeated again and again so I dont watch it anymore. About the giant cock in the bag though - If u look @ the front of the bag theres a big stain - cum perhaps.