Jobs Does anyone know where I can get a short-term job, I'd like to start either next week or the week after for about a month or so. I'm pretty much open to anything nothing rude or dirty or illegal though, just until I get a new long-term job???
Re: Jobs u cud be one of those annoying fuckers who ask u loads of questions or them nature people who make u get out of ure seat and tell u about animals uve never seen that are endangered and want u 2 help and give them money i say no I WONT give u cash i just wont kill the panda next time i see one
There is no allegidly about it, I have neevr met anyone I hate so much in my whole life. My job is good, I enjoy it, I'm good at it but I can't put up ewith my boss any more or the hours of work, I'm workign 11 hour days most of which are spent doing nothing, coming home feeling depressed, stressed out and jsut wanting to cry so it's not something I want to do any more and want to leave until I get something else
I know that it is jsut seriously getting too much now need to have a good think about what to do though co sif I leave I have to give them £1600 back
Dont leave until you have something set up temporarily as earl quick says get yourself temping to keep the money coming in - Hope it works out for you
Re: Jobs how many agencies are you registerd with ? Try kws in town its just on the corner next to central station where the hertz garage is !