jobs!! i know this is an absolute long shot and my post wil probs slide all the way down the board without a single reply but has anyone any idea or know of any temporary jobs around the teeside area, i know they're would have been plenty in places such as marks n spencers but silly old me has left it too late to apply n now they've all bin filled and i need a summer job cos i've got no pennies and i just cant seem to get one grrrr!!! but if anyone does live in teeside and needs their car washing, house cleaning or children looking after please feel free to contact me !! is anyone else having this problem of bin absolutley skint??!! i am just sooo sick of it i hate bin a stoopid student xxxx
try going to an agency hun, its in their interests to get you a job so they do it quite quick cus it makes them money, it also saves you having to go to 50000 interviews and they will likely just give u a quick interview then send you sumwhere it might not be the best job in the world but likely to be customer service sumwhere, and u will get paid weekly which is handy when your a student and dont want to wait over a month for your first pay xx
Re: jobs!! Sorry I can't help but me thinks I'd rather b a student than b in the real world. The thought of me getting a full time job etc just scares the shit out of me!
Try playschemes and stuff like that. You dont need any qualifications and they are recruiting around about now. I did it last year and I earn between £5 and £8 per hour. Look up on the net for places near you or try local newpapers (was where i found mine) good luck
i work for an agency! mite be able to get u temp admin work etc in boro if thats anygood? we usually get work for smelly ICI Wilton tho. u have a danger of coming out of work everyday covered in smog.
yep i've got a friend doing one of those playschemes in boro. shes in ibiza now but starts when shes comes back in a few weeks.. she did it last year and really enjoyed it! i can try and get hold of some details if you like?
Last time i was in boro they were handin out free gas masks about a mile before we got there. I suppose the good thing is at least you can see the thick black lung destroying smog.
There's plenty of Job opportunities in Middlesboro for young girls. Contact: Snarf's pimping agency on 07812345678
# thank u everyone 4 your ideas by the way!! gem that would be mint if there was anything available is there any chance u'd be able to find out 4 me hun thank u soooo much!! and whats angels by the way, it sounds a bit dodgy is it a strip club or something cos if it is somehow i couldnt really see me working somewhere like that haha!!! xxxx
i dont think my mam n dad would be too pleased though if they found out. plus it mite involve working friday nites too n im not havin that!! naaa i think mebbes i'll give this strippers job a miss just for the mo!! xxxx