Tis a gud'un this like. Think we can manage to knock up a poll and make it stick for a few weeks as long as no objections from mark or rob else will have to unstick it...... Jimmy - what dates are we basing it around? Will make it a a poll so who votes for what gets logged - i will reveal the logs after the drop has occured :laugh:
Surely you have to put some margin on the other end...it is possible for babies to come late ya know!
I say August 28th. Jimmy have they give you any hints as to how far they will let her go before induction? and are you planning a natural or a c-section? your not allowed to cheat by with-holding this info!!! Mick...twins are full term at 37 weeks....i dont think they will let her go past 40 weeks
read my post....twins wont come that late....they are classed as full term 3 weeks earlier and your only allowed to go 2 weeks past term before they pump ya full of drugs to make them come out
il take a random guess 24 august if im right mate u can name them marco and marcel fitting for you mate.