Its all going off in this thread
The language must be choice as my works firewall is not letting me read it! Can someone post the best bits with editing
deraie me boys handbags, handbags!! it does make good reading and it certainly made me laugh but jesus u lot reeli are harsh as fuck to each other sumtimes, i think i'd be sat crying if sumone had said some of that awfull stuff to me!! beginning to think it isnt just the girls that can be awful nasty bitches afta all!! !!! xxxx
Some of the Joe Vs allie highlights Spence ... Allie Peppermint Candy quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Joe Jesus christ Allie who the fvck are u? The way your going on I'd of thought you were a household name. Your a nobody mate - just like the rest of the BEDROOM dj's on this board. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When did I ever say I was anything big? Joe, remove your head from your 4rse mate, it's not an attractive feature Joe Young Modern quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Allie When did I ever say I was anything big? Joe, remove your head from your 4rse mate, it's not an attractive feature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That doesn't even make sense you pretentious fvck! I'm not the one being an arrogant c0cksmith quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mate I play as regular as I'd like, and I'll promise you know I've played better places now than you ever will -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If that isn't someone slurping on his own c0ck I don't know what is. Basically Jay-Jay put up a mix and for some unknown reason you slated him - his mix suits the promise/quality board far more than any of ur militant mixes. Get over urself allie Your not a big name dj - do you even have 1 fan? (your imaginary gf doesn't count) There are far better dj's than you on this board. There are also dj's on this boards with residencies you can only dream of. Your a c0cky little schmuck with false delusions of grandeur... it was less than a year ago you were posting about defected being your favourite label.... Allie Peppermint Candy Registered: Aug 2002 Location: Low Fell Posts: 2939 It makes sense Joe, maybe it just required intellect beyond yours? I made a tongue-in-cheek post about one of the tunes on Jay Jay's mix, a harmless bit of messageboard banter. Yes, I'm arrogant. I pride myself on this, and my c0ckyness I admit there are far better DJs than me on this board, yet I disagree that there are any people on here with residencies I 'could only dream of'. There's not one person on this board I'm envious or jealous of in any way. Aside from this, you know fvck all about what's happening for me atm, and in the future. I'd appreciate if you didn't comment on things you have no business commenting on. Oh, and the Defected comment. For one, I never once said it was my favourite label. For two, peoples' tastes change, don't they Mr 'Book Yoji for Promise'? Joe Young Modern Registered: Nov 2001 Location: Heaton Posts: 11575 Allie this isn't a p1ssing contest you pathetic little specimen, I couldn't give a shit about your wet dreams of becoming a superstar dj. Look here: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christ, erm... Defected Junior Underwater City Rockers NRK They're probably my favourites out of the big boys. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now do you wanna remove your foot from your mouth and your head from your 4rse You weren't joking with Jay Jay, you were shooting his mix down in some pathetic attempt to make you look knowledgeable/cool/arrogant/whatever... Fact is in real life you wouldn't say boo to a goose, your not some pretentious dj - your a snotty nosed teenager who thinks label name dropping makes him look cool. Your "intelligent" post also made no sense, you told me to remove my head from my arse, correct? Now how the fuck was "Jesus christ Allie who the fvck are u? The way your going on I'd of thought you were a household name. Your a nobody mate - just like the rest of the BEDROOM dj's on this board." arrogant? Or were u just throwing around insults you'd heard people like me use? FACT: WEARING GLASSES DOES NOT MAKE YOU INTELLIGENT Allie Peppermint Candy Registered: Aug 2002 Location: Low Fell Posts: 2939 Neither does being Jewish or looking like some form of 70s reject. Ok, foot in my mouth about that one, but I noticed you cleverly managed to avoid the subject of your love of all thigs cyber and trancey. I was indeed joking with Jay Jay, and you're able to determine the tone and manner that post was written in, how? Label name dropping? Why? The 'What's Your Favourite Label?' thread? Recently we've had 'What's Your Favourite...' for just about everything, bar that, was just creating some messageboard conversation. Your previous post was arrogant in a way that you're quick to think you're even in a position to talk down to me, and put me down, which is a result of your arrogance Joe Young Modern Registered: Nov 2001 Location: Heaton Posts: 11575 Allie what does my race have to do with anything?!?!?!?!? I knew your music taste was narrow minded but this level of stupidity I never expected... Why even raise the issue of my race?!?!?!? Theres no issue to sidestep... I still think cyber looks great and my music taste has moved on - whats your point? I wasn't pointing out your music taste has changed - i was pointing out you haven't been some deep underground dj for 4 years.. PLEASE WHEN ARGUEING WITH ME TRY TO USE WHAT LITTLE INTELLECT YOU HAVE! As for label dropping? ARE YOU FOR FVCKING REAL! You name drop, label drop, dj drop, in every other fucking post - why do you think people take the piss out of you? It isn't because of the way you dress And Allie as an adult I am in a position to talk down to you, now I may only be 21 - but have you ever heard the expression respect you elders Allie Peppermint Candy Registered: Aug 2002 Location: Low Fell Posts: 2939 I have, yes, I just don't agree with it, and when you achieve something I respect, then you may possibly be in a position to think about talking down to me. Your race has nothing to do with what we are so casually 'discussing' here, but neither does the 'problems' I have with my vision. I admit I haven't been "some deep underground House DJ for 4 years", I never try to cover that up. I don't see how I label drop, or really name drop, bar the blatantly obvious ones I post with the intention of winding people, such as yourself, up. Looks like it's working... Joe Young Modern Registered: Nov 2001 Location: Heaton Posts: 11575 Allie trust me tyke I'm in a position to talk down to you - it may take you several years to realise this, but eventually you will Allie this isn't a case of you admiting things, no1 gives a fuck about what you do and don't admit, for instance: You could admit your imaginary girlfriend is just a girl you pm'd on the gu messageboard. You could admit that you try to impress people (on a fvcking messageboard) by mentioning dj's they've never heard of. You could admit this is just a messageboard personality to compensate for your lack of confidence in real life. Theres loads of things you could admit too, but this isn't about those things. This is a post telling you to SHUT THE FVCK UP you have no right to constantly try to belittle people with your narrow minded and restricted outlook on music, a personality trait/borrowed knowledge you've probably mimiced from some other messageboard. ALLIE PLEASE SHUT UP Allie Peppermint Candy Registered: Aug 2002 Location: Low Fell Posts: 2939 Lack of confidence? Please! You could also admit that your 'messageboard personality' of 'belittling people with your narrow minded and restricted outlook on music' is in fact probably a pathetic attempt to cover for your own inadequacies, and maybe make you feel better about yourself? This is a post telling you to GROW THE FVCK UP, and realise that you are not God. You have a minute group of narrow minded infant followers who think by sticking with you they'll get 'cool' status.