It is his number! i just rang it and got through to his answer phone!!! OH MY FOOKING GOD! IVE JUST HEARD CORVIN DALEK THROUGH MY PHONE! OH MY GOD *FAINTS*
ha ha ha, i think that would have been way too much for me to handle! he said "hello this is corvin dalek, you can leave a message" (in a very sexy hungarian voice) yum yum *licks lips*
i got over excited and hung up i might ring it again, just to hear his voice, god, how sad do i sound!!!! ted, u wana be in my gang?
ya just keep ringion n hanging up kez an he will only bar ya number!!!!!!!!!!! am sure a wudnt like that!!
lol, im only joking hun, im not that sad, i rang to talk to him n got his answer phone, i wouldnt really stalk him!!!
yeah you thing you know you'll be harrassing him with a scary looking doll and prodding him!!
Corvin was highly amused when this convo happened: "So where are you actually from?" Gizmo "Budapest. Do you know where that is?" Corvin "Yeah, of course, it's in India!" Gizmo (should of been blonde!) Corvin pisses himsel laughing, and procedes: "It's in hungry, but i'm from China" A very confused Gizmo walks away, trying to work out what the hell was going on, and ended up at the end of the night sitting in a bath trying to grasp any bit of sanity that myself and a very messy miss messy had left! Gizmo x
bless the random little boy!!! how come random used to be a term used for those who stalked dj's but now is a used to describe talking shite!!!!
random is the most over used word of this year, im so sick of hearing it, like when i first heard it i was like "yeah, thats a well cool word" and now my ears are bleeding from hearing it, i swear if id had a baby this year it would have learned to talk by now and random would have been its first word!
I dont think i could imagine a world without random now since i met a few of u peeps. Im seriously considering a random plot?!?!??! dunno yet tho!
awwww thats class! lol next time he is over here invite him for tea!!! hehehe, nah only kidding but thats mint, getting his number!