in need of a cheese grater... ok...i no this is hardly the type of thing you want to be reading on the board, but im desperate. i have severe excema (or how ever you spell it) and im haveing a really bad bout atm and i am scratching continously. i just want sum help. if ne1 knows ne magic remedies or just soothing products i can use cos im in absolute agony 24/7 and my doctor is fucking useles. please help me.
awwww poor biatch - try rubbing that nappy cream stuff on it ermmm whats it called - shit - its the white stuff .......... Sudocreme thats it
there is creams ur doc should give u ..they may little sister gets it really bad and i mean in she is v.tanned...looks like pocahontis (spelling?) and half her face goes a v.pale white.. the only thing that has workes for her is the bath cream stuff... u should get that off the doc too..
i also need a cheese grater to hack off a couple of my bell-end warts there spreading now and trying to colonate the whole of my genitals
that stuff dont work h45 works for a bit, but as with all steroid creams or hydrocortizones (spelling?) u cant use them for too long as ur skin becomes weak and thin adn kinda seethrough the skin on my inner elbows has been coated in creams since i was a bairn and u can see me veins class threw it....but for sum reason, they still cant draw blood :spangled: