I've got to agree on this - I don't want to see the What's On section closed or summinck again because of people taking the piss.
It gets silly. We have to delete thread after thread! Most ppl play by the rules which is cool...then u just get the pisstakers
Some examples.... a) Signing up on here and EVERY post is an advert b) Advertising nights that could take punters away from Promise Theres been a lot of that about.
Im not trying to be a cock but it is the same. Global will take more punters away from Promise on that night than anything else.
its hardly the same as ppl just coming on here for free advertising space tho. or local nights that run all thru the year trying to take away punters. festivals are one off's and promoters probably expect to take a hit on those weekends. its all about damage limitation limit the damage all year as much as u can so the losses that are unavoidable dont harm too much.
Im not saying anything about people that come on here looking for advertising space or local nights. But if the rule is anything clashing with a Promise then it shouldnt be advertsised then should include Global. Same rule for everyone...
Thats my point, I can totally understand why Mark doesnt want anything advertised that is on the same night as any Promise and thats fair enough as at the end of the day its a buisness. But it just seems a bit stupid when posts get deleted when they are for a club miles away when they aren't going to effect Promise at all and if people off here do go then its liable to be about 5 people..... I say just make it you cant post about anything that is on the same night as Promise regardless of where or wether its a night or festival.......(Excluding Ibiza )
Thats how its supposed to be....nothing thats on same night as Promise...but i would say there's 2 exceptions: 1) If the night is something like a huge 1 off festival 2) If the night is not remotely close to promise But even the one where it isnt close....why wud they bother advertising it if its of no interest to the promise community? And posts dont get deleted for clubs miles away (i dont think) cos they wud have no effect really on promise. Depends what u class as miles away. I wud say anytthing thats within a couple of hours travel is a threat...... These are my opinions of course...Mark may or may not agree and at the end of the day its his board/business
To be honest, whatever they want to do/say is fair enough - if people want a board where there are no rules they should start one themselves. At the end of the day it's someones business, and people continually posting nights that clash with and are on the same date as, IS a threat to promise and so a threat to that! So, it's really cheeky to do it in the first place, nevermind complain about it being deleted, or arguing about what should and shouldn't be deleted. It's like going into Tesco with a big sign saying "shop at Morrisons" - you wouldn't even make it through the car park!