Ibiza! Just about to go and see the Judge at the poolside warm-up party at Coastline, to get me in the mood for Judgement Sunday tonight. Got a 30 euro fine for getting pushed in the pool last night off the stupid fucking security guard. If I do it again then I am getting chucked out of the hotel. It wasn´t even my fault.:evil:
Re: Re: Ibiza! Yeah I know mate. You never guess what, Wardy and Jobo are staying in my hotel, we are going down to Eden together tonight. I found Miss T and Princess Jane today as well. We are going on the lash tomorrow together
aye cant wait til ibiza now!!!!! its only 5 days away!!!!!! ill see mr miller and co out there! shud be a fuckin blast!!
piss off!!! just cause ur a posh cunt from the slums!!! thanx to the spence for the cans aswell! top man!
u fucking muppet go shave ur eyebrows. aye spence - legend shouting @ that paper boy... talkin to that italian *just tell him weve got sum booze!!*
That paperboy wasn't up for the crack but the Italian was polite but lacked English! Craig, its good to see you remember the say 'its a poor mans Hartlepool.
Looks like my offical Ibiza thread has been hijacked, ya bastards.:evil: Went to Judgement Sunday and it was brilliant. The Judge played firts and was quite good, better than at Promise the other day. Then it was Ferry and he was fucking mintos, classic trance set But Eddie ended and was proably the best set that I heard him play since the first time I saw him at Crasher about 2.5 years ago. He just blew everyone away. I asked him to finish with its over for me and he put it on second last, so I couldn´t really complain Then it was the Clockwork Orange last night. We went to the pre-party at Coastline and met Fergie and Lisa Lashes, even got a kiss off the latter CO was on at Eden, John O´Bir on first and he was quite boring, just sounded the same all the way threw, I was canny disappointed. Fergie was on next and was fooking class, just like he was at Promise, really starting to like this guy. Marco V was on last, but I felt really ill, so I just fucked off early, very regrtful, but I really couldn´t stay till the end. But tomorrow is the big one with PVD and Tiesto at Cream, can´t wait
hEY EVERYONE.....having a fab time over here in sunny ibiza...went to see Fergie and John Kelly last night you proceeded to laugh his tits off at me for not being able to work my camera...i even manged to have a sensible convo with Fergie without drooling on him!!! Goin to lashed tonight (VIP!) and Cream tomorrow....Craig, Broony and everyone we'll have to meet up when you get here....c y´'s soon mwa
defo terry does ur phone work over there?? do u know where the horses run free? and have u saw charles lately?? hopefully ill be out everynight like! u have to come and find us at fiesta apartments, or if u dont miller will probs tell us where u r! enjoy the rest of ur week well be here in around 53 hours ish!