I need a new bag why is it that there are hardly any shops that sell messenger/shoulder bags for blokes...I went to camden market yesterday and I could only find one shop that sold bags and they were all shite...every other store sold loads of womens bags :evil: Ive tried ebay aswelll and there are only a few ALL I WANT IS A DECENT FUCKING BAG for got sake someone put me out of my mysery
revel has some awesome truck tarpaulin ones in his shop, every single bag is different, so you getting something that is individual
http://www.hanon-shop.com/products/results/all_brands/accessories/37/m always loads of decent bags on hanon-shop.
i just got a pm asking where i got my bag from, well kids it took me a while to find that treasure, so get searching for yourselves update - the bag made an appearance at goodgreef with a new addition, a led zeppelin patch
You looked very metrosexual with your bag at Tall Trees, shame you didnt have the strength to carry 2 bottles of water and a few 50ps
did u feel the weight of it, i hate going to the bar and trying to find change in the dark, so i just keep breaking into notes