Daaaan!! I just need to know. Is it just the ignore button? Does that mean you dont have to see any of their posts?
Ohh, so, all the persons posts you will still be able to see, just not anything they chose to post in the future? Is that right? I was confused I thought it would all vanish
Aww no way!! I wouldnt ignore you for that it was just a silly argument Honestly there is nobody specific I want to ignore, I just wanted to know how to do it - N that doesnt mean im gonna start ignoring people left right and centre cos I know how to do it now x
You can still see their avatar, so basically that they have posted, but you cant see what theyve wrote. Theres a link that says if you want to see what theyve written, click here
Not really no, im just not gonna start ermm, dishing the dirt on a message board I should have never made this post!! I just didnt understand cos ignore doesnt really do anything! Im KeRaZy me
My humours wasted here. By asking you who, who's ignoring it was implied i couldnt see who started the thread.....